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Please complete the form below, filling in as much detail as possible. Our booking form has a built in availability checker, so it will tell you if your chosen product is available or not. If you need any help or have any questions please feel free to contact us.

* !!* IMPORTANT TEXT PLEASE READ *!! Our standard delivery window for garden hires are anytime between 8:00 AM and 12:00 PM. Collection times for garden hires are typically scheduled between 5:00 PM and 7:00 PM, depending on our workload. For instance, if you are an 8:00 AM drop-off, you will be first collection at 5:00 PM. If you require the equipment for a longer duration, we suggest considering overnight hire as we cannot give times until the day before when we have route planned. We recommend scheduling your garden parties between 12:00 PM and 5:00 PM, as we finalize the route plan a couple of days prior to the event. If you have specific time requirements, kindly provide them in the notes section during the booking process, and we will do our best to accommodate your request. For indoor hall hires, please specify your desired times, ensuring to allow a one-hour buffer before and after the party start and end times. This ensures sufficient time for us to set up and collect the equipment. Same for events. The latest collection time for indoor halls remains the same, and if you need the equipment until late, please check with the venue if an overnight arrangement is possible. In such cases, we can collect the items the following day. For nightclub setups, we typically arrange them between midday and 4:00 PM. Once you've booked a hall, kindly provide the times you have access to the venue or the preferred setup times in the notes section. Please note that garden hires are unavailable from November 1st until the middle of March, as they are weather-dependent. If the selected items appear as unavailable, please contact us as we may still be able to assist you. Feel free to call or message us if you require any further information or assistance. Any other information please put in the notes section when booking kind regards the Laken Team *

My delivery address is the same.

Please select the first part of your postcode then write the second part of your postcode in the second row.

* Note: If your postcode is not listed above, please contact us by email or phone, as we might still be able to help. *
* When you have entered your full postcode in the above boxes of where the items will be delivered to, please click on this update delivery checking button below. *

* An online payment (We accept all major debit and credit cards) for the deposit is required for this booking. *

* The payment method selected below will be for the remaining balance. *

Max 3 Images - Max 2MB Per Image.

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Terms And Conditions

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Booking Summary

Product £0.00

Delivery £0.00

Min. Spend £80.00

Total £0.00

Pay Today £0.00

Booking Total £0.00